Friday, June 10, 2011

Roberto and Linden

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Thursday, June 9, 2011

Our Tutu model -- Annabelle

Over the weekend, The Hesterman Family came to the house and we took a couple fun shots of Annabelle, who will be Simple Smiles Tutu model for the summer!

Count Down

Everywhere I look my friends are counting down, so much exciting stuff is happening the next couple months. One family is putting in a pool; it will be ready in a couple days. A good friend is getting married in a few weeks; my daughter starts middle school in August. Trust me this has a count down! Plus my long time friend is getting married in November, not to mention a few other count downs that continue through the New Year! All this BIG stuff got me thinking about a training class I did a few years back where you learned how to manage timing more efficiently. The training class used a bucket as a model; they had a woman fill her bucket with "Everyday duties" or pebbles. After her bucket was pretty full of pebbles she was handed 6 large rocks representing the bigger stuff in life. She was then asked to put the large rocks in the bucket, she could not. After considerable time she dumped the bucket out put the big rocks in and poured the little rocks on top and everything fit! The point being you can do what you like in life if you plan.
I do hope everyone will remember the important stuff and not let the little stuff get you down. From the amount of count downs going on I think we are going to have a great time the next few months!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Friday, May 20, 2011

WOW Thursday!

Thursday's might be the funniest day of the week!  I helped at the school, I talked with lots of kids about all the fun stuff they  have planned for the summer.  The girls had their piano lessons.  They sound Amazing, thier recital is on Saturday, so I'll get some pictures to share.   On top of all that I went out back and played with some of my favorite little guys!   Since, Simple Smile is going to have "Tutu's and Ties on Tuesdays!"  Yesterdays mission was to get a good tie shot!  Here's the runner ups plus some just fun shots I had to share!  If that wasn't enough, Liv and I ventured up to Cypress to drop off John and Dawn's order, I have to say everytime I see them we have a good time.  They loved their portraits, they gave Liv tons of sugar, Dawn showed Liv her moulage kit (fascinating what she can do with it!)  Then John showed us where he had gone and helped the victims of the tornado in Alabama a few weeks back, just amazing! Needless to say we were wiped out when we got home, but we are totally looking forward to our fun weekend ahead!  Enjoy the shots....

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


June is coming, which means summer is here!  To celebrate Simple Smile is doing a couple things, 1st we are going to be offering mini sessions!  These sessions will only take about 30 minutes and our first theme is Tutu's and Ties on Tuesdays!  The sessions will be at my house, you can bring your own wear or check out the dress up bin.  We'll have fun, change into an outfit, take a couple pictures, play with the props.  More details to follow check out the newsletter on Friday!  The newsletter will be posted here or even better emailed to you if you are on the mailing list!  The newsletter will also hilight the other specials going on for June with Simple Smile Photography.  Happy Summer! 

Thursday, May 12, 2011


When we went on our walk, we found ourselves walking a little faster today, because there was a gigantic black cloud following us, but it waited for us to get inside, (thank you rain god!)  and then let loose!  Take a look out my front door!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Getting ready for summer!

The count down is on!  We have a little under 3 weeks until school is out!  I am loving the flowers that grow in TX, below are a couple pictures from our craw fish boil and a beautiful Magnolia...

Monday, May 9, 2011

What a fun weekend!

We had one of those weekends!  Lex had a game, I had two appointments, we went to craw fish boil, the girls and Neil put together a fabulous Mother's Day Brunch!  Family time at the Natural History Museum, family time with cousins and then The Amazing Race finale, see the weekend was just Fantastic! 
  On a wonderful and yet also sad note our neighbors learned to FLY!  But they came home last night and woke me up at 5:50 so all is normal today.  Our little birdies are the same size as their parents which I decided was much too quick!  By looking at them I know it is not long before they  will fly off and make a nest with their best friend, then my nest will be quiet.  Oh well I will get over it!  But speaking of Engagements a few weeks back I talked about going downtown with Dawn and John,  he proposed a couple weeks back, and they are planning their wedding next year.  We are in final stages of putting their Engagement order in and I just have to share, check out how awesome they are! 

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

May Flowers and neighbor update!

Hi Again, Its been busy!  Today I was surprised with flowers from one of my favorite families!   
I like the sun streaks, thought it gave the picture a little depth.    Anyway GREAT BIG THANK YOU again! 

Let's see our neighbors are growing,

Finally we've been getting ready for summer fun!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

New Baby?

About a month ago I took a picture of a mama bird sitting on the fan on our patio.  Well yesterday look what was popping out of the nest.   I'm going to try to get one of the babies heads if mom will let me!

Monday, April 18, 2011


The girls and I went exploring after school!

Packaging material

Packaging Material - Design of new  proofing package.

   I will be announcing the 5 winners Tomorrow from the Hubenak Carnival on Saturday, Each will receive  1 hour shooting time at location of their choice and and a keepsake 8x10 family photo at no cost!  So stay tuned to see those fun pictures in the coming weeks.  Also this week I'll be exploring Northern Texas as we look for more wild flower shots before the sun burns all the beauty away! 

Friday, April 15, 2011

E-I-E-I OOPS Performance

What a success the first graders performed their play E-I-E-I Oops yesterday it was adorable!  I have to thank Mrs. Ramsey she is truly talented!  The play was adorable and all the kids had so much fun performing.  Couple pictures of the set and Lex at the end! 

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Special Thank you!

Last weekend I went over to New Territory and took pictures of a wonderful family, at the end I gave the two little girls a bucket and a Easter Bunny Coloring book. I thanked them for taking pictures with me,  I packed up my stuff and left the family playing in the park.  Last night their mom gave me a page from the coloring book and it was a thank you note that she and her oldest daughter had colored, take a look SUPER COOL! 

Monday, April 4, 2011

Jam Fest 2011

Great Music always equals a great time!

This however is as close as I got to the main man,
Maybe next year! 

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Spring has Sprung!

These were some shots from my last outing!  Can I say thank you so much to this little guy and his pup!  They were so much fun to work with I really had a good time!  I can't wait to deliver their pictures, all I can say is his mom has some tough decisions to make or she'll be buying the entire collection!   

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

way to go team!

After just 5 weeks together our Team won the Championship game last night, take a look at these smiles;

Way to go girls, you played really well!